Historical Sites - Mina Holy Site

Mina Holy Site is a valley surrounded by mountains

6 KM2

Far from the Holy Mosque

7.82 KM2

Estimated area of Mina Holy Site


The Mina Holy Site is situated to the east of Makkah, with "Jamrat Al Aqaba" marking its northwest boundary and "Wadi Mahasar" to the southeast.


It is the place of performing rituals and staying overnight for pilgrims on the day of Tarwiyah, Eid Al-Adha, and Tashriq days.


Ibn Abbas said that Mina was named as such (with "i”), because when Gabriel (peace be upon him) was about to part from Adam (peace be upon him), he asked him, "What do you wish for?" Adam replied, "I wish for Paradise.", knowing that the word "wish" is the English equivalent of the Arabic word "yatamanna" from which the name "Mina" is derived. Another explanation, according to different narrations, is that “Mina” was named due to the blood that is shed there on the Day of Sacrifice (Yawm Al-Nahr).

Al-Khayf Mosque:

Al-Khayf, "with an open 'kha' and a silent 'ya'," refers to the area that slopes down from mountain's height and rises above water's path. This is where Al-Khayf Mosque gets its name.

Al-Khayf Mosque was built on the spot where the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) stayed in Mina, and where his tent was pitched on the Day of Tarwiyah.

Masjid Al-Bayah (Al-Aqabah Pledge Mosque)

Jamarat (Stones)

Thabir Mountain

Majra Al-Kabsh (Path of the Ram)